Your eminence,im not happy.
Why should you be? That isnt your job.who told you we come into the world to be happy?origin says in his homilies:there is no salvation outside the church.he who he isn’t in the city of god, belongs to the city of devil.
Why should you be? That isnt your job.who told you we come into the world to be happy?origin says in his homilies:there is no salvation outside the church.he who he isn’t in the city of god, belongs to the city of devil.
پاسخحذفنماز روزتون قبول وبتونم ديديم قشنگ بود
خيلي خسته ام اما اومدم چندتا وبلاگ بيبينم از وبلاگ شما ام خوشم اومد واقعا زيبا و جالبه ممنون راستي اگه دسوت داشتيد به وبلاگ منم يه سري بزنيد خوشحال ميشم