"Yes, he saw now, he had always known it. But there was no time to think of that. All he had eyes for was the truncheon in the guard's hand. It might fall anywhere; on the crown, on the tip of the ear, on the upper arm, on the elbow -- "
"The light cleared and he could see the other two looking down at him. The guard was laughing at his contortions. One question at any rate was answered. Never, for any reason on earth, could you wish for an increase of pain. Of pain you could wish only one thing: that it should stop. Nothing in the world was so bad as physical pain. In the face of pain there are no heroes, no heroes."
You are a slow learner ,Winston
"How can i help it?How can i help but see what is in front of my eyes?two and two are four."
"Sometimes,Winston.Sometimes they are five.Sometimes they are three.Sometimes they are all of them at once.You must try harder.It is not easy to become sane."
هیچ وقت دوی به علاوه ی دو برای من 4 نبوده ......
پاسخحذفهیچ مطلقیتی رو باور ندارم .....
کاش کمی بند تنبان این هویت و معنا ها رو مردم شل تر می بستند .....
انگار که ....
انگار چیزی شبیه حصار دور کلام می پیچند......
خوب البته منظور این کتاب چیز دیگری است، ولی فرمایش شما هم متین!
پاسخحذفخیلی جالبه ها فیلمشو دیدم ولی هنوز کتابشو نخوندم...اگه تونستی فیلمشم ببین
پاسخحذفیکی از دیالوگ های جالب winston که نمی دونم تو کتاب هست یا نه:
پاسخحذفIt's not so much staying alive, it's staying human that's important. What counts is that we don't betray each other