Here، you are all equaly worthless!
۴ مرداد ۱۳۸۹
۲۴ تیر ۱۳۸۹
The big bang theory
“Sheldon’s mother:Everyone's entitled to their opinion.
Sheldon:Evolution isn't an opinion, it's fact.
Mother:And that is your opinion.”
Sheldon:Evolution isn't an opinion, it's fact.
Mother:And that is your opinion.”
“Penny:You know what, I give up.He's impossible.
Seldon:I can't be impossible. I exist.I believe what you meant to say is,"I give up, he's improbable."”
With great power, comes a great responsibility
-Why are you crying?
-Because I'm stupid!
-That's no reason to cry.One cries because one is sad.
For example, I cry because others are stupid and it makes me sad.
-Your "check engine" light is on.
-Yeah, I gotta put a sticker over that.
If a little is good,The more is better
You don’t want the truth,You make your own truth.
I have to believe, when I close my eyes,The world is still here.
I have to believe, when I close my eyes,The world is still here.
The hours
My life has been stolen from me
I am living in a town I have no wish to live in,I’m living a
life I have no wish to live
life I have no wish to live
How did this happen?
بی پولی
دارویی که خانومت گفته مال افسردگی شدیده خوب نیستا!
یعنی کی افسردگی شدید داره؟زن من افسردگی شدید داره؟
من دهنم داره از بی پولی سرویس می شه،اون افسردگی اش شدیده؟
حالا من پول این افسردگی شدید رو از کجا بیارم؟
ای خدا!این چه طرز جواب دادنه؟تو همیشه راجع به کمترین چیزی که تو صحبت آدمه حرف می زنی.اون چیزی که اصلا منظور آدم نبوده.
در چشم باد
آدم اول وارد یه راه هایی می شه که فکر می کنه
انتخابش کرده،بعد اسیر درد بی درمون عادت می شه.
انتخابش کرده،بعد اسیر درد بی درمون عادت می شه.
Star wars
there is always a bigger fish.
I don’t care from what universe you come, that’s gotta hurt.
Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.
The day we believe in democracy is the day we lose it
Who’s the more foolish? fool or the fool who follows him?
All who gain power, are afraid to lose it
So this is how liberty dies. with thunderous applause.
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